

Minggu, 29 April 2012


          Sebelum menekuni musik, Louis lebih dahulu berkecimpung di dunia akting. Personel 1D paling tua ini pernah main di serial If I Had You dan Waterloo Road. Louis juga kerap  membintangi drama musikal yang digelar di sekolah tempat ia menuntut ilmu, Hall Cross. Merasa punya kemampuan di tarik suara ia mendaftar di The X Factor. Nasibnya kemudian berujung di boy band 1D. Sukses besar bersama 1D membuat kocek Louis menggelembung. Ia pun mulai menaikkan gaya hidupnya.  
          Baru-baru ini, bersama kompatriotnya Harry Styles, Louis menyewa sebuah flat mewah di kawasan  London. Flat yang  pernah ditinggali Ashley Cole itu disewa keduanya seharga 3.000 pound (sekitar 40 juta rupiah ) per minggu. Kabarnya, karena tahu apartemen itu pernah dihuni Ashley, keduanya malah berencana membeli apartemen itu. Kalau jadi membeli, mereka harus mengeluarkan duit sebesar 3 juta pound atau sekitar 44 miliar rupiah!


          Harry, nama lengkapnya Harold Edward Styles,  sudah  menggemari musik sejak kecil. Elvis Presley adalah pahlawan musiknya. Keseriusannya pada musik   ditunjukkan dengan mendirikan band White Eskimo. Di bandnya, penggemar The Beatles ini bertugas sebagai vokalis utama. Tapi tak lama cowok berzodiak Aquarius ini berada di band itu. Ia hengkang demi bisa ikutan The X Factor. Di babak audisi, ia mendapatkan komentar positif dari tiga juri. Hanya juri Louis Walsh saja yang sangsi Harry mampu bertahan lama di kontes bakat ini.
          Seperti personel lain, Harry akhirnya digabungkan dalam 1D. Kabarnya, nama One Direction, Harry yang mengusulkan. Ketika boy band yang diawakinya mendunia, Harry pastinya senang -- dan terheran-heran!. “Senang banyak orang menyukai musik kami. Tapi agak heran juga melihat banyak orang meneriakkan nama saya dengan histeris. Bahkan ada pula yang sampai mencakar. Saya bingung kenapa bisa seperti itu,” tegasnya.
          Soal kehidupan romansanya, pengagum Adele dan Queen ini pernah bikin kontroversi  lantaran berkencan dengan presenter The Xtra Factor Caroline Flack yang usianya 15 tahun lebih tua dari Harry. Karena hubungan ini, Caroline sempat mendapat ancaman  mati dari fans fanatik 1D. Harry-Caroline sudah tak menjalin cinta lagi. “Saya kapok pacaran dengan wanita yang usianya lebih tua,” tutur Harry.


          Zayn Jawadd Malik  kerap dianggap fans sebagai personel 1D yang paling hot  karena kelihatan lebih maskulin. Ibu Zayn, Tricia, wanita Inggris tulen, sementara ayahnya, Yaser Malik berdarah Pakistan. Inilah yang menerangkan kenapa Zayn punya wajah tampan maskulin khas Hindustan.
          Cowok yang pernah memperlihatkan celana boxer-nya  demi memenuhi  permintaan penggemarnya ini menghabiskan masa kecil di kawasan East Bowling, Inggris. “Ketika kecil saya sangat susah di atur. Saya agak hiperaktif. Itu sebabnya, di rumah pun ibu lebih suka menaruh saya di stroller ketimbang membiarkan saya bebas bermain,” kata Zayn yang memelihara seekor anjing dan dua ekor kucing di rumahnya.  
          Minat  pada dunia tarik suara  membuat Zayn memberanikan diri ikut audisi The X Factor kategori penyanyi solo. Ia lolos dan bahkan ikut bootcamp—semacam masa karantina—The X Factor. Namun, Zayn tak berlaga di kategori solo namun di kategori grup.  Di masa awal, cowok yang takut gelap ini  sempat kesulitan beradaptasi dengan format grup.  Zayn mengaku tak bisa menari. Apalagi harus menari di depan orang banyak.  Karena alasan itu, ia  tak mau ikut sesi menari dan memilih berada di belakang panggung. Simon Cowell yang mengetahui ini, langsung menemui dan mengingatkan  kalau Zayn bisa dieliminasi dari kontes bakat itu bila tak ikut dengan teman-temannya yang lain menari. Bujukan Simon berhasil. Zayn ikut menari, meski tariannya kelihatan sangat kaku. Di kemudian hari, cowok kelahiran 12 Januari 1993 ini dibakukan dalam grup 1D.


          Dalam soal kesehatan, Liam tak seberuntung personel 1D lainnya. Sejak kecil ia hidup dengan satu ginjal saja. “Saya  sebenarnya punya dua ginjal, tapi yang satu tidak berfungsi,” tutur cowok kelahiran 12 Januari 1993 ini.  Hidup dengan satu ginjal sudah dijalani Liam sejak dini. Ditengarai, penyebabnya karena ia lahir prematur. “Saya lahir tiga minggu lebih cepat. Dari hari pertama sampai umur 4 tahun saya bolak-balik ke rumah sakit dan menerima suntikan 32 kali di pagi dan sore hari agar kesehatan saya membaik.
          Membuat saya tidak boleh terlalu banyak minum air dan sebisa mungkin menjaga kesehatan,” lanjut kekasih  Danielle Peazer ini. Hidup dengan satu ginjal membuat Liam harus berhati-hati. Ia tidak boleh minum air berlebihan. “Dan sebisa mungkin saya  harus selalu menjaga kesehatan,” ucap Liam yang sering disebut-sebut sebagai leader 1D. Toh meski hanya punya satu ginjal, Liam masih hidup normal seperti anak-anak lainnya. Ia malah mengkategorikan dirinya sebagai bocah badung. Pernah, di usia 12 tahun ia menantang pelatih tinjunya yang berusia 38 tahun. Hasilnya, hidungnya patah!
           Usia 14 tahun, Liam -- yang saat itu menimba ilmu di jurusan Teknologi Musik di City of Wolverhampton College,  menjajal The X Factor musim 2008. Tapi ia gagal melewati tahap judge’s house. Kala itu Simon beranggapan Liam belum siap untuk The  X Factor dan menyuruhnya datang  lagi dua tahun kemudian. Permintaan Simon dituruti Liam. Tahun 2010, Liam bernasib bagus. Simon dan juri lain terpukau melihatnya menembangkan “Cry Me a River”. Liam bahkan dapat standing ovation. Ambisinya berlaga di The X Factor sebagai penyanyi solo pupus usai menyanyikan “Stop Crying Your Heart Out" di sesi  bootcamp. Simon dan juri lain menyarankan Liam  berkompetisi di kategori grup.  


          Niall merupakan personel yang paling digilai fans—terutama di Amerika Serikat. Ketika tur singkat 1D   ke AS beberapa waktu lalu, nama cowok kelahiran 13 September 1993 ini yang paling sering diteriakkan penggemar. Tampangnya yang cute khas Irlandia (rambut sangat pirang dan kulit yang begitu putih),  serta  kemampuan vokal yang lebih menonjol ketimbang personel lain membuat ia begitu diidolakan fans.
          Cowok berzodiak Virgo   ini tumbuh besar di Mullinger, Dublin, yang hanya berpopulasi 35 ribu jiwa. Usianya baru lima tahun ketika kedua orangtuanya bercerai. Ia tinggal bersama sang bunda, Maura. Dua tahun kemudian, dengan alasan agar lebih dekat dengan sekolah,   Niall memutuskan tinggal bersama ayahnya, Bobby. Meski bercerai, kedua orang tua Neill sangat men-support sang anak. Ketika  Niall berlaga di The X Factor bersama  1D, kedua orangtuanya bersama-sama memberikan dukungan.
          Minat Niall pada musik mulai menggeliat ketika ia remaja. Selain doyan bermain gitar,  pengagum Michael Buble ini juga gemar bernyanyi.  Bakat menyanyinya disadari keluarganya secara tak sengaja. “Dalam sebuah perjalanan menggunakan mobil,  saya asyik bernyanyi. Bibi saya mengira nyanyian itu berasal dari radio,” bilang penyuka film Grease ini. Niall sempat mendalami dunia audio  dengan harapan kelak bakal menjadi sound engineer. Tapi cowok yang fobia pada burung merpati ini  malah banting setir dengan melamar audisi penyanyi solo di X Factorpada tahun 2010.
          Ketika audisi, Niall membawakan tembang “So Sick” milik Ne-yo. Penampilannya dipuji Simon Cowell, Louis Walsh, dan juri tamu Katy  Perry. Hanya Cheryl Cole saja yang merespons dingin penampilannya. Kendati begitu, ia tetap lolos audisi. Belakangan, Niall digabungkan dengan empat cowok lain dalam boy band yang kemudian diberi nama kolektif 1D. Boy band ini menjadi juara ketiga kontes bakat bikinan Inggris itu. Yang menarik, Katy Perry yang menjadi juri ternyata tak lupa pada sosok Niall. Si pelantun Friday Night ini sempat mengirimkan ucapan selamat pada Niall atas keberhasilan 1D di AS via Twitter. “@NiallOfficial selamat, kamu tidak mengecewakan saya.”


Nama :One Direction
Tahun Aktif:2010 - sekarang
Label:Syco, Columbia
Personil:Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson

          ONE DIRECTION ~ Boyband yang berasal dari Inggris – Irlandia yang beranggotakan cowok-cowok yang berparas ganteng dan menarik bagi kaum hawa. Personil One Direction terdiri dari 5 orang yaitu Niall Horan, Zainal Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles dan Louis Tomlinson. One Direction awalnya terbentuk dari sebuah acara kontes menyanyi bernama The X Factor (sejenis American Idol). Boyband ini menandatangani kontrak rekaman dengan anak perusahaan Sony Music Record Syco.
Awalnya, masing-masing personil saling bersaing dalam audisi tersebut namun salah satu juri menganjurkan mereka untuk bergabung menjadi satu grup dan akhirnya terbentuklah One Direction.
          Single perdana One Direction berjudul “What Makes You Beautiful” dirilis pada tanggal 11 September 2011. Dan menduduki UK Singles Chart di posisi pertama pada 18 September 2012. Single tersebut mendapat penghargaan sebagai “The Best British Single” dalam acara Brit Awards pada 21 February 2012 lalu. Di bulan November 2011, album pertama mereka yang berjudul Up All Night terjual 138.631 kopi dalam waktu 1 minggu. 

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

1D- Gotta Be You ~

Girl I see it in your eyes you’re disappointed
‘Cause I’m the foolish one that you anointed with your heart
I tore it apart
And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence
And no woman in the world deserves this
But here I am asking you for one more chance

Can we fall, one more time?
Stop the tape and rewind
Oh and if you walk away I know I’ll fade
‘Cause there is nobody else

It’s gotta be you
Only you
It’s got to be you
Only you

Now girl I hear it in your voice and how it trembles
When you speak to me I don’t resemble who I was
You’ve almost had enough
And your actions speak louder than words
And you’re about to break from all you’ve heard
But don’t be scared, I ain’t going nowhere

I’ll be here, by your side
No more fears, no more crying
But if you walk away
I know I’ll fade
Cause there is nobody else

It’s gotta be you
Only you
It’s got to be you
Only you

Oh girl, can we try one more, one more time?
One more, one more, can we try?
One more, one more time
I’ll make it better
One more, one more, can we try?
One more, one more,
Can we try one more time to make it all better?

Cause it's gotta be you
It's gotta be you
Only you
Only you

It’s gotta be you
Only you
It’s gotta be you
Only you

1D- Stole My Heart ~

(I waited for a girl like you)

The light shines
It's getting hot on my shoulder
I don't mind,
This time it doesn't matter
Cause your friends,
They look good, but you look better

Don't you know all night I've been waiting for a girl like you to come around, round, round?

Under the lights tonight
You turned around, and you stole my heart
With just one look, when I saw your face
I fell in love
It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight (eh eh eh eh)
With just one look, yeah (eh eh eh eh)
I waited for a girl like you

I'm weaker
My words fall and they hit the ground
Oh life, come on head, don't you fail me now?
I start to say,
"I think I love you", but I make no sound

You know 'cause all my life, I've been waiting for a girl like you to come around

Under the lights tonight
You turned around, and you stole my heart
With just one look, when I saw your face
I fell in love
It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight (eh eh eh eh)
With just one look, yeah (eh eh eh eh)
I waited for a girl like you

There is no other place that I would rather be
Than right here with you tonight
As we lay on the ground I put my arms around you
And we can stay here tonight
Cause there's so much that I wanna say, I wanna say

Under the lights tonight
You turned around, and you stole my heart
With just one look, when I saw your face
I fell in love
It took a minute girl to steal my heart

Under the lights tonight (eh eh eh)
You turned around, and you stole my heart (eh eh eh)
With just one look, when I saw your face (eh eh eh)
I fell in love
It took a minute girl to steal my heart tonight (eh eh eh)

With just one look, yeah (eh eh eh)
Been waitin' for a girl like you
Been waitin' for a girl like you

1D- Save You Tonight ~

I, I wanna save you
Wanna save your heart tonight
He'll only break ya
Leave you torn apart, oh

It's a quarter to three can't sleep at all
He's so overrated
If you told me to jump, I'd take the fall
And he wouldn't take it

All that you want's under your nose, yeah
You should open your eyes but they stay closed, closed

I, I wanna save you
Wanna save your heart tonight
He'll only break ya
Leave you torn apart, oh

I can't be no superman,
But for you I'll be super human

I, I wanna save ya, save ya, save ya tonight

Oh now you're at home
And he don't call
Cause he don't adore ya
To him you are just another doll
And I tried to warn ya

What you want, what you need
Has been right here, yeah
I can see that you're holding back those tears, tears

I, I wanna save you
Wanna save your heart tonight
He'll only break ya
Leave you torn apart, oh

I can't be no superman,
But for you I'll be super human

I, I wanna save ya, save ya, save ya tonight

Up, up and away
I'll take you with me
Up, up and away
I'll take you with me

I, I wanna save you
Wanna save your heart tonight
He'll only break ya
Leave you torn apart, oh

I can't be no superman,
But for you I'll be super human

I, I wanna save ya, save ya, save ya tonight
I wanna save ya, save ya, save ya tonight
I wanna save ya, save ya, save ya tonight

1D- Same Mistakes ~

Circles, we’re going in circles
Dizzy’s all it makes us
We know where it takes us
We've been before
Closer, maybe looking closer
There's more to discover
Find out what went wrong without blaming each other

Think that we got more time
When we’re falling behind
Gotta make up our minds

Or else we'll play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted that we’ll be the same
But we're making all the same mistakes

Wake up, we both need to wake up
Maybe if we face up to this
We can make it through this
Closer, maybe we'll be closer
Stronger than we were before, yeah
Make this something more, yeah

Think that we got more time
When we’re falling behind
Gotta make up our minds

Or else we'll play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take, take, take it for granted that we’ll be the same
But we're making all the same mistakes

Yeah, yeah, that's what crazy is
When it's broken, you say there's nothing to fix
And you pray, pray, pray that everything will be okay
While you're making all the same mistakes

Don't look back
But if we don't look back
We’re only learning then
How to make all the same mis-, same mistakes again

So we play, play, play all the same old games (Same mistakes)
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change (When nothings gonna change)
And we take, take, take it for granted that we’ll be the same (Well nothings gonna be the same)
But we're making all the same mistakes

Yeah, yeah, that's what crazy is (crazy is)
When it's broken, you say there's nothing to fix (there's nothings to fix)
And you pray, pray, pray that everything will be okay (everything will be okay)
While you're making all the same mistakes

1D- Everything About You ~

[Liam Payne]
You know I've always got your back, girl
So let me be the one you come running to, running to, r-r-running
I said it’s just matter of fact, girl
You just call my name
I'll be coming through, coming through, I'll get coming

[Harry Styles]
On the other side of the world, it don't matter
I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two
I still feel it every time
It's just something that you do
Now ask me why I want to

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything that you do, do, do
From the way that we touch, baby
To the way that you kiss on me
It's everything about you, you, you
The way you make it feel, new, new, new
Like every party is just us two
And there's nothing I could point to
It's everything about you, you, you
Everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do, do
It's everything about you

[Niall Horan]
Yes, I like the way you smile with your eyes
Other guys see you but don’t realize that it's m-my loving
There's something about your laugh that it makes me wanna have to
There's nothing funny so we laugh at n-n-nothing

[Louis Tomlinson]
Every minute’s like our last so let’s just take it real slow
Forget about the clock that's tick-tick-ticking

[Harry Styles]
I still feel it every time
It's just something that you do
Now ask me why I want to

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything that you do, do, do
From the way that we touch, baby
To the way that you kiss on me
It's everything about you, you, you
The way you make it feel, new, new, new
Like every party is just us two
And there's nothing I could point to
It's everything about you, you, you
Everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do, do
It's everything about you

[Zayn Malik]
And you have always been the only one I wanted
And I wanted you to know without you I can't face it
All we wanna have is fun
But they say that we're too young
Let them say what they want

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything that you do, do do
From the way that we touch, baby
To the way that you kiss on me
It's everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do, do
Like every party is just us two
And there's nothing I could point to

It's everything about you, you, you
Everything about you, you, you
It's everything that you do, do, do
It's everything about you

1D- I Want ~

Give you this, give you that
Blow a kiss, take it back
If I looked inside your brain
I would find lots of things
Clothes, shoes, diamond rings
Stuff that's driving me insane

You could be preoccupied
Different date, every night
You just got to say the word
But you're not into them at all
You just want materials
I should know because I've heard
When girls say...

I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, and that's not me
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you

You've got everything you need
But you want accessories
Got to hold it in your hand
If I changed the world for you
I bet you wouldn't have a clue
Don't you know that I can't stand
When girls say...

I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, and that's not me
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you

Oh, and all the girls say…

I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, and that's not me
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you

Be loved by you
I wanna, I’ll stay true
I wonder if you knew
What you put me through
But you want, you want, you want me to love you too

I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, but that's not me
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you

Oh, and all the girls say…

I want, I want, I want, but that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, and that's not me
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you
I want, I want, I want, and all the girls say
I want, I want, I want, and that's crazy
I want, I want, I want, to be loved by you

1D- Tell Me a Lie ~

Can't ever get it right
No matter how hard I try
And I've tried

Well, I put up a good fight
But your words cut like knives
And I'm tired

As you break my heart again this time

Tell me I'm a screwed up mess
That I never listen, listen
Tell me you don't want my kiss
That you need your distance, distance
Tell me anything but don't you say he’s what you're missing baby

If he's the reason that you’re leaving me tonight
Spare me what you're thinking, tell me a lie

Well you're the charming type
That little twinkle in your eye
Gets me every time.

And well there must've been a time
I was a reason for that smile
So keep in mind

As you take what's left of you and I

Tell me I'm a screwed up mess
That I never listen, listen
Tell me you don't want my kiss
That you need your distance, distance
Tell me anything but don't you say he's what you're missing baby
If he's the reason that you’re leaving me tonight
Spare me what you're thinking, tell me a lie

Tell me a lie!
Tell me a lie!
Tell me a lie!

Tell me I'm a screwed up mess
That I never listen, listen
Tell me you don't want my kiss
That you need your distance, distance
Tell me anything but don't you say he's what you're missing baby
If he's the reason that you’re leaving me tonight
Spare me what you’re thinking, tell me a lie

Tell me a lie!
Tell me a lie!
Tell me a lie!
Tell me a lie!

1D- Taken ~

Now that you can't have me
You suddenly want me
Now that I'm with somebody else
You tell me you love me
I slept on your doorstep
Begging for one chance
Now that I finally moved on
You say that you missed me all along

Who do you think you are?
Who do you think I am?
You only love to see me breaking
You only want me cause I'm taken
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
Still be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when I'm taken

You're messing with my head
Girl that's what you do best
Saying there's nothing you won't do
To get me to say yes
You're impossible to resist
But I wouldn't bet your heart on it
It's like I'm finally awake
And you're just a beautiful mistake

Who do you think you are?
Who do you think I am?
You only love to see me breaking
You only want me cause I'm taken
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
Still be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when I'm taken

Thank you for showing me
Who you are underneath
No, thank you, I don't need
Another heartless misery
You think I'm doing this to make you jealous
And I know that you hate to hear this
But this is not about you anymore

Who do you think you are?
Who do you think I am?
You only love to see me breaking
You only want me cause I'm taken
You don't really want my heart
No, you just like to know you can
Still be the one who gets it breaking
You only want me when I'm taken

Now that you can't have me
You suddenly want me

1D- I Wish ~

(Na na na na na) [2x]

He takes your hand
I die a little
I watch your eyes
And I'm in riddles
Why can't you look at me like that?

(Na na na na na)

When you walk by
I try to say it
But then I freeze
And never do it
My tongue gets tied
The words get trapped

I hear the beat of my heart getting louder
Whenever I'm near you

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me

(Na na na na na) [2x]

He looks at you
The way that I would
Does all the things, I know that I could
If only time, could just turn back

Cause I got three little words
That I've always been dying to tell you

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,
Oh how I wish that was me

[Harry & Zayn]
With my hands on your waist
While we dance in the moonlight
I wish it was me
That you’ll call later on
Cause you wanna say good night

Cause I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see

But I see you with him slow dancing
Tearing me apart
Cause you don't see
Whenever you kiss him
I'm breaking,

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish

Oh how I wish, that was me

Oh how I wish, that was me

1D- Up All Night ~

It feels like we've been livin' in fast forward
Another moment passing by
(Up up up all night)
The party's ending but it's now or never
Nobody's going home tonight
(Up up up all night)

Katy Perry’s on replay
She's on replay
DJ got the floor to shake, the floor to shake
People going all the way
Yeah, all the way
I'm still wide awake

I wanna stay up all night
And jump around until we see the sun
I wanna stay up all night
And find a girl and tell her she's the one
Hold on to the feeling
And don't let it go
'Cause we got the floor now
Get out of control
I wanna stay up all night
And do it all with you
Up, up, up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night

Don't even care about the table breaking
We only wanna have a laugh
(Up up up all night)
I'm only thinking 'bout this girl I'm seeing
I hope she’ll wanna kiss me back

Katy Perry’s on replay
She's on replay
DJ got the floor to shake, the floor to shake
People going all the way
Yeah, all the way
I'm still wide awake

I wanna stay up all night
And jump around until we see the sun
I wanna stay up all night
And find a girl and tell her she's the one
Hold on to the feeling
And don't let it go
'Cause we got the floor now
Get out of control
I wanna stay up all night
And do it all with you
Up, up, up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night

Katy Perry’s on replay
(Up all night)
She's on replay
(We're gonna want to stay up all night)
DJ got the floor to shake, the floor to shake
(We're gonna want to stay up all night)
Up all night, up all night
(We're gonna want to stay up all night)

I wanna stay up all night
And jump around until we see the sun
I wanna stay up all night
And find a girl and tell her she's the one (she's the one)
Hold on to the feeling
And don't let it go
'Cause we got the floor now
Get out of control
I wanna stay up all night
And do it all with you (do it all with you)
Up, up, up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night
Like this, all night, hey
Up all night

1D- One Thing ~

I've tried playing it cool
But when I'm looking at you
I can’t ever be brave
'Cause you make my heart race

Shot me out of the sky
You're my kryptonite
You keep making me weak
Yeah, frozen and can't breathe

Something’s gotta get now
'Cause I’m dying just to make you see
That I need you here with me now
'Cause you've got that one thing

[All - Chorus]
So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing

Now I'm climbing the walls
But you don't notice at all
That I'm going out of my mind
All day and all night

Something’s gotta get now
'Cause I'm dying just to know your name
And I need you here with me now
'Cause you've got that one thing

[All - Chorus]
So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my mind
And come on, come into my life
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
And you've got that one thing


You've got that one thing

Get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead

[All - Chorus]
So get out, get out, get out of my head
And fall into my arms instead
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing

So get out, get out, get out of my mind
And come on, come into my life
I don't, I don't, don't know what it is
But I need that one thing
Yeah, you've got that one thing

1D- More Than This ~

I’m broken, do you hear me?
I’m blinded, ‘cause you are everything I see,
I’m dancin’ alone, I’m praying,
That your heart will just turn around,

And as I walk up to your door,
My head turns to face the floor,
‘Cause I can’t look you in the eyes and say,

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,
When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this,
Can love you more than this

If I’m louder, would you see me?
Would you lay down
In my arms and rescue me?
‘Cause we are the same
You save me,
When you leave it’s gone again,

And when I see you on the street,
In his arms, I get weak,
My body fails, I’m on my knees,

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,
When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

I’ve never had the words to say,
But now I’m askin’ you to stay
For a little while inside my arms,
And as you close your eyes tonight,
I pray that you will see the light,
That’s shining from the stars above,

(And I say)

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this,

‘Cause I can love you more than this

When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this, yeah,

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight,
It just won’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this,

When he lays you down,
I might just die inside,
It just don’t feel right,
‘Cause I can love you more than this,
Can love you more than this

1D- What Makes You Beautiful ~

[Verse 1]
You're insecure,
Don't know what for,
You're turning heads when you walk through the door,
Don't need make-up,
To cover up,
Being the way that you are is enough,

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

[Verse 2]
So c-come on,
You got it wrong,
To prove I'm right,
I put it in a song,
I don't know why,
You're being shy,
And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes,

Everyone else in the room can see it,
Everyone else but you,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately,
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
That's what makes you beautiful

Na Na Na Na Na Na Naaa,
Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na [x2]

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,
The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,
But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful ([Zayn:] Oh),
If only you saw what I can see,
You'll understand why I want you so desperately ([Harry:] Desperately),
Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,
You don't know,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,
You don't know you're beautiful,
Oh oh,

That's what makes you beautiful
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